samedi 6 juillet 2013

Get yor sugar fix healthfully by erin hicks

Add fiber, protein and some fats to your snacks to help fend off weight

Sugar isn't just empty calories-the consequence of indulging goes deeper than that. Consuming sweets spikes your insuin levels, which may cause you to store excess fat.  "Weight gain as a result of eating sweets has little to with calories-it has  to   do with the insulin surge that puts your body into fat-storage mode.
But there is a solution that will help you get your sugar fix and fend off weight gain. High-sugar items that are accompnied bt fuber ir oriteub ir fats cab help block  that insulin response.
A body is not a bank account.  It's a chemistry lab.

Instead of dried fruit... try trail mix.
Dried fruit  is often packed  with   sugar, and it's stripped of hunger-fighting fiber during the dehydration process. Not only does dried fruit contain fewer nutrients than fresh fruit, but it also can make your bellly bloat.

Instead of a milk chocolate bar... try a piece of dark chocolate

Instead of a payday...try natural, unprocessed nut butters.
Reach for natural peanut butter and celery sticks the next time you're craving a salty'sweet combo.
Celery is composed mostly of fiber, water and nutrients. It gives peanut butter added volume and crunch.
If celery isn't your thing, opt for a few apple slices.