lundi 7 janvier 2019


Corinne Dubreuil / The Stars of Sport
Ysaora Thibus, vice-world champion of fencing: "I became professional in the United States"


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The fencer has lived a full year with her departure to the United States and a title of vice-champion of the world. For Le Figaro, she takes stock of this change, before thinking about the future.
MAKING-OF. Accustomed to Stars of Sport, Ysaora Thibus nevertheless had to get used to a new environment, Tignes replacing La Plagne to host the event. Change, the fencer has experienced a more important leaving the cocoon of Insep to train in the United States. A career choice, but also life, paying on arrival since she won the title of vice-world champion in Wuxi (China) in July. Meet a woman who was not afraid to jostle for success.
Ysaora, has this year 2018 been the most successful of your career so far? 
Ysaora Thibus: It's true that I finished on a silver medal at the individual World Championships, which is the best performance of my career. Before, however, I had a difficult season, with a period of adaptation necessary to my new environment, since I went to train in the United States. But if I take stock, between what has brought me this new experience abroad and this title of vice-world champion, this is probably my best season.
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The final lost little against the Italian Alice Volpi (15-12 when there was 12-12) does it still leave you with regrets? 
Not really. I really had a good competition, and a nice final. I defeated the reigning world champion, the reigning Olympic champion. I am proud of what I achieved during this competition. This gives me even more motivation for the future. On this final, indeed, I did not miss much to go through on this end of the game. I may have made some less good tactical decisions. But there is nothing to regret. It just means that I still have lots of things to improve.
"I really feel today at the heart of my project"
What are these points exactly where you think you still need to progress? 
I will not revolutionize my fencing, that's for sure. I decided to change coach and start a collaboration with the Italian Stefano Cerioni. It's a new experience for me. For now, this is going very well and I think it can allow me to continue my progress and to get to the top.
We have the feeling that your career is progressing linearly. Do you think, however, that you had a click at one moment?
Linear progression, I do not know ... As a top athlete, we always have ups and downs. Compared to my career, I know that after Rio and the Olympics, where I finished 5th, I really questioned myself. I wondered what I could have done better and what can I change in the future. That pushed me to put things in place so that may have been a trigger as you say. I also met my boyfriend who is American and opened new perspectives. I took the opportunity to go train there, with a totally different way of working than I was at Insep. I really feel today at the heart of my project. It's me who decides everything. I put everything in place to get there.
This departure in the United States has allowed you to flourish more as a woman or as a sportswoman? 
I do not know if the fencer is different from the woman. In both cases, I learn, I grow. I think I got really rich when I went there. As a sportswoman, in the United States, I really professionalized. I'm only fencing while before I had a double project with the business school. At present, I live from my sponsors and my results. On the side of the woman, I live with the man I love, which brings me a balance. I think we have to be happy to make it happen and that's exactly the environment I wanted to create around me.
"If I continue like this, there's no reason I can not become number one."
At one time, you told me that studying also brought you a balance. Today, only doing fencing is right for you? 
At first, it was very difficult to do just that, with more quantity. On intensity. At first, I was really dead. I had many doubts, I wondered if I was really made for that. Before I had this loophole that were the studies. This acted as a decompression valve. I could try to perform in another area. Now, leaving for the United States, I had this desire to get out of my comfort zone. I wanted to go beyond my limits. That takes time.
World bronze medal last year, silver this year. So, what will be gold in 2019? 
(smile) That's what I want. Every year, I go for it and every year, I get closer. My fencing progresses, I add things, I improve my strengths, I beat girls that I did not fight before. If I continue like this, there's no reason I can not become number one.
At what point are Tokyo and the 2020 Olympics in your head? 
I have the impression that yesterday was still Rio. Right after, I felt that Tokyo was far away. Four years is a long time. And in fact no! (laughs) I feel like it's already tomorrow. So Tokyo is totally in my sights. The qualification will begin in April 2019, so it will come very soon. I am very excited about what is happening. In addition, there is behind Paris 2024 where I may end my career. I really want to.    

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