Flows For Life Jin Shin Jyutsu Little Finger
Ever hold your little fingers? You might be surprised at how good it makes you feel. So easy and effective you can do this exercise any time of the day – works while you sleep too! 
In energy speak, little fingers and big toes are great harmonisers for the whole being.
Holding Little Fingers and Big Toes helps with so many issues including: ‘heart discomforts, heart palpitations, and chest congestion. It also helps clear the vascular, nervous, muscular and skeletal energy circulatory systems. Helps clear head discomforts and bloat problems including swollen ankles.’
You can do the exercises below at any time as self help. A few minutes each day is a good place to start, or until you feel relief from symptoms.Remember that the effect of holding often is cumulative, so the more you hold, the quicker the positive effects.
Holding little finger also helps dissipate a sore throat, so at the first sign of it, hold either little finger. Quick self help hold for heart palpitations and heart discomforts: hold left little finger.
So the Exercises:
Hold LEFT LITTLE FINGER with Right Hand then, after a few minutes,
Hold the BIG TOES (hold left big toe with left hand, and hold right big toe with right hand) then, after a few minutes,
Hold RIGHT LITTLE FINGER with Left Hand then, after a few minutes
Hold the BIG TOES again (hold left big toe with left hand, and hold right big toe with right hand).
Note: if you find it difficult to hold your big toes, then you can use this variation: after holding little finger, place your hands in your groins (left hand on left groin and right hand on right groin – (‘the 15s’ they wash our hearts with laughter).
If you’d like to know more about this approach to self help or if you’d like to book a Jin Shin Jyutsu session, then contact Astrid at astrid(at)flowsforlife(dot).com – see more about Astrid here