Meet 28 yr. old Houston, TX native Sydney Colson who began dribbling her first basketball at the age of 5 with her big brother and sister in the front yard. While debating being a veterinarian or a WNBA player, she realized she wasn’t half bad on the court and could possibly get a scholarship doing something she enjoyed, she set her sights on the Houston Comets.  Sydney’s athleticism and fighting spirit are an inspiration to us all!

She is currently #51, a guard for the San Antonio Stars and Assistant Coach of the Women’s Basketball team at Rice University.We think if basketball doesn’t work out for some reason she has a second calling, in comedy. Feel free to follow her on IG for the highlight reels @sydjcolson

Q: How did you balance being a sociology major at Texas A&M and a student athlete?SC:Honestly because I just had to. The day of a SA doesn’t really leave much room for free time so you have a block of the day when you attend classes and a point after workouts/practice when you have study hall. We had academic advisors that stayed on top of our schedules, tudors were available if you wanted one (or GIVEN if you NEEDED one lol!) I think the toughest part of juggling school and class for most SAs is when you start to travel a lot for away games and tournaments.

Q: What were some of your best memories at A&M?
SC: Meeting teammates that I made hilarious, sad, joyful memories with and grew closer to. Winning a national championship my senior year was also pretty epic!

Q: How did you begin planning for your post-college future?
SC: My plan was honestly to keep playing basketball, so I worked hard while I was in college to make that a reality.

Q: Your team won the 2011 Women’s NCAA Championship and then you went straight to the WNBA after. Where have you been since?
SC: I was drafted in 2011 to the WNBA’s Connecticut Sun, but was traded to the New York Liberty my rookie year. I went to play overseas in Poland for two seasons after that and now I’m playing for the San Antonio Stars, where I’ve been for the last three years.

Q: What does your workout schedule look like during the week?
SC: When I’m in season, it’s usually every day of the week minus one day off because you either have a game or practice.

Q: How have you balanced playing for the San Antonio Stars and coaching at Rice University?
SC: I stopped working at Rice before my season started in San Antonio this summer because I wanted to play overseas again and the college season conflicts with that. But when I WAS working at Rice the head coach was diligent with contacting me with content of practice planning sessions, the video coordinator would email me our team workout videos, and they even made trips to San Antonio to see me play and to have a coaches retreat to get ready for our upcoming season. And then there were recruiting duties that I could easily do from afar like phone calls to recruits, their parents, and coaches.

Q: You’ll be leaving for Israel next to play overseas again, what prompted this change ?
SC: I missed playing and wanted to maximize my playing days. I can coach when I’m older, but you can’t be in your mid 40’s and up and decide you want to get back to playing pro ball. Not gon’ happen.

Q: What has been the most challenging part of being a professional athlete?
SC: I don’t think I’ve found my niche on any team yet so I’m waiting for that opportunity.

Q15; Where do you see yourself in 5 years and 15 years from now?
SC: In 5 years, I think that I will be thinking about giving up basketball and consider having a baby slide on out of me! In 15 years, God willing, I’ll be impacting some lives through coaching or traveling to the Motherland (and other places, but definitely Africa first) and giving back.