mercredi 18 avril 2018

Cobi Konadu Aids to Digestion

Here is a combo self-help deal for you; use it separately or together. 
Option #1 - Holding the inside of your knees. This is where SEL#1 lives which is known as the PRIME MOVER. SEL #1 is an expert at facilitating movement! It allows the energy to move down (descend) away from your head, keeping your circulation in rhythm. Here are a few things it helps:
  • Constipation (hold LEFT knee), Diarrhea (hold RIGHT knee) - remember the saying...righty tighty, lefty loosey
  • Nausea 
  • Headaches
  • Bloating 
Option #2 - Clockwise Belly Rub. Rubbing your belly after a meal not only helps to gently massage your organs, it connects to SEL #14 which represents EQUILIBRIUM & SUSTENANCE. #14 (located at the center base of the ribs) helps us to digest the physical food, it is also an area where we process and digest our emotions and thoughts. If you're feeling congested in your waistline take a moment to notice how you feel, acknowledging the sensations that arise. 
   Instructions // Option #1:    -Find a comfortable place to sit, stand or lay down  -Place RIGHT hand on inside of LEFT knee  -Then, place LEFT hand on inside of RIGHT knee  -Hold for at least 10 even breaths or as long as needed
Instructions // Option #1:
-Find a comfortable place to sit, stand or lay down
-Place RIGHT hand on inside of LEFT knee
-Then, place LEFT hand on inside of RIGHT knee
-Hold for at least 10 even breaths or as long as needed
   Instructions // Option #2:    -Find a comfortable place to sit, stand or lay down  -Place RIGHT hand on bellybutton.   -Start to move hand in circular clockwise motions, starting from the bellybutton and spiraling out to the perimeter of your belly.  -Do this 21 times (one rotation is from bellybutton to perimeter)
Instructions // Option #2:
-Find a comfortable place to sit, stand or lay down
-Place RIGHT hand on bellybutton. 
-Start to move hand in circular clockwise motions, starting from the bellybutton and spiraling out to the perimeter of your belly.
-Do this 21 times (one rotation is from bellybutton to perimeter)
Whether you use these in conjunction with one another or on their own, your digestion is in good hands. It will be peacefully flowing in no time!

Remember, nothing gets achieved without some conscious action behind it. That being said, I hope you continue to use and share these self-help methonds; realizing the power of your own touch. 

Have a lovely weekend!

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