mercredi 3 octobre 2018

chest congestion dizziness and allergies by coni konadu

SEL #6 comes into this world representing BALANCE & DISCRIMINATION. Couldn't be more perfect for what I was looking for. By holding it, we give ourselves a clear perception of reality helping to determine our pathway in life.  It also helps chest congestion, digestion and dizziness.

1. Fit a comfortable place to sit
2. Place RIGHT HAND on arch of RIGHT foot
3. At the same time, place LEFT HAND on the arch of the LEFT foot
4. Create a nice rhythm of inhales and exhales.
5. Hold for 2-3 minutes or till you feel a sense of peace.

* If this position is not comfortable you can hold one arch at a time OR hold either MIDDLE FINGER which helps to harmonize SEL 6.

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