mardi 2 octobre 2018

Self Help for Stiff Neck and Shoulder Pain Jin Shin Jyustu

Self Help for Stiff Neck and Shoulder Pain

Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help Holds

A stiff neck and shoulder pain are, well, a pain in the neck!

Luckily, we all have an energy pathway that crosses the shoulders and hips, travelling up and down the arms into the middle fingers and also travelling up and down the legs doing kind of a loop de loop all over the body. This energy also goes round the head and around the chest.

This little gem of a Jin Shin Jyutsu self help hold does many things:
* eases a stiff neck and shoulder pain
* alleviates pain down the arm, in the elbow, in the hand & fingers
* detoxes the body
* helps protect the body against osteoporosis
* gets rid of aches and pains in the body (also fibromyalgia)
* lubricates the joints (so good for knee pain, elbow pain)
* and even helps with all arthritic projects or ‘problems’
* helps the skeletal structure
* helps the eyes

Place Left hand over Left Shoulder and Right hand on the Left elbow crease. For the other side, place Right hand over Right Shoulder and Left hand on the Right elbow crease.

Do this hold every day for 20 minutes minimum each side and within a short time you’ll definitely notice a difference!

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